Designing tremendous, hands-on experiences is at the core of our mission! Explore our library of published activities to boost STEAM skills and grow Maker mindsets. Our projects are highly flexible to nurture invention across ages, topics and class settings. Plus, all our programs foster Scratch Making ~ utilizing basic and re-purposed materials to fuel creativity, equity and sustainability.

Atmosphere Layer Lanterns
Automata Theaters

Blow & Go Racers

Circuit Stars

Closer Look

Clothespin Bots

Constellation Cubes

Cosmic Constellations

Dancing/SEL Puppets

Fidget Spinners

Goldilocks Planet Project
Inclined Plane Maze

Interactive Books


LED Circuit Cards

LED Holiday Cards

LED Magic Wands

LED Mini Sabers

LED Name Tags

LED Puppets

Lever Bug Puppets

Lever Launchers

Lever Plate Masks

Lever Thumb Puppets

Motor Racers

NASA Cosmic Connection

NASA Moonscapes

NASA Shoebox Rover

Navajo Nightlights


Polyhedra Nightlights

Pulley Puppets

Pulley Spinner Toys

Research Mobiles

Rubberband Racers

Spider Lever Puppets

Tech Blooms

Wind Racers