Lever Bug Puppets-Class Pack


Lesson + Supplies For 30 Makers
Activate life science through kinetic puppetry! Fuse creative making and simple machines learning to investigate cool insects, arachnids & pollinators. Students delight while creating charming puppets animated with levers. This kit features 8 different template designs that vary in engineering complexity. Bug Puppets are exciting for all ages ~ classes, enrichment and events.

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Lesson + Supplies For 30 Makers
Activate life science through kinetic puppetry! Fuse creative making and simple machines learning to investigate cool insects, arachnids & pollinators. Students delight while creating charming puppets animated with levers. This kit features 8 different template designs that vary in engineering complexity. Bug Puppets are exciting for all ages ~ classes, enrichment and events.

Lesson + Supplies For 30 Makers
Activate life science through kinetic puppetry! Fuse creative making and simple machines learning to investigate cool insects, arachnids & pollinators. Students delight while creating charming puppets animated with levers. This kit features 8 different template designs that vary in engineering complexity. Bug Puppets are exciting for all ages ~ classes, enrichment and events.

Order once, get tremendous teaching tools to use again & again! Plus, our team is always available for live training & support.

  • K-8th Grade, Adult Makers

    Includes supplies for 30 projects

    Get all curricular tools & licensing to implement again & again

    Time: 1-1.5 hours

  • Supplies for 30 Projects

    Printed & PDF Quick Start Guides

    Printed & PDF Templates

    Printed & PDF Bug Trading Cards

    Engineering & Craft Supplies

    Access to Leader Webpage with all curricular tools ~ video tutorials, planners, handouts, standards, templates & more.

    Individual Program License

  • Ladybug




    Simple Beetle

    Complex Beetle



  • Adjustable Hole Punches or Thumb Tacks

    Hot Glue & Glue Sticks

    Scissors & Pencils


  • Life Science


    Simple Machines

    Visual Art

    Research & Storytelling

    Design Process

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Wind Racers-Class Pack
Constellation Cubes-Class Pack
LED Name Tags-Class Pack
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