Polyhedra Nightlights Guide


Illuminate geometry with a cool tech twist! Transform adorable Polyhedra paper sculptures into enchanting nightlights using LED lights. This guide features gorgeous 12”x12” PDF templates to make the 5 regular polyhedra first described by Plato – the Platonic Solids. We’ve also included 8.5”x11” templates for easier printing. Create charming origami lanterns while boosting math & technology skills.

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Illuminate geometry with a cool tech twist! Transform adorable Polyhedra paper sculptures into enchanting nightlights using LED lights. This guide features gorgeous 12”x12” PDF templates to make the 5 regular polyhedra first described by Plato – the Platonic Solids. We’ve also included 8.5”x11” templates for easier printing. Create charming origami lanterns while boosting math & technology skills.

Illuminate geometry with a cool tech twist! Transform adorable Polyhedra paper sculptures into enchanting nightlights using LED lights. This guide features gorgeous 12”x12” PDF templates to make the 5 regular polyhedra first described by Plato – the Platonic Solids. We’ve also included 8.5”x11” templates for easier printing. Create charming origami lanterns while boosting math & technology skills.

When you order this Guide, you’ll get a PDF one-sheet with a link and password to our Leader Portal. There you’ll find amazing digital resources for easy planning & implementation.

  • Ages: K-12th Grade, Adult Makers

    Time: 1-1.5 hours (Chunk out in phases)

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